This course is about learning the concept of educational technology. What comes to our mind when you hear the term educational technology? Maybe computer, digital tools, internet, mobile phones, smart boards, electric gadgets, etc.?? Is educational technology only about these tools and gadgets? Definitely not. It is not restricted to these tools only but encompasses everything that enhances teaching and learning. It helps in improving teaching learning process and reaching the pre-set goals of education through systematic organization of learning procedures and processes.  For new generation learners, it is required to have a sound knowledge of educational technology and its effect on teaching-learning process. In this course, we will be studying about Introduction of Educational Technology, Classroom Communication and Teaching Aids, Instructional Techniques and Phases, levels and Models of Teaching and Understand the concept, approaches and significance of educational technology and explain the role of communication in the field of education.

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction to Educational Technology

•             Components of Educational Technology: 

•             Hardware and Software, 

•             Use of Sensory Organs in the process of Learning and Remembering, 

Module 2: System Approach, Multi –Media Approach in Educational Technology, 

•             Communication, Classroom Communication: 

•             Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, 

•             Factors affecting Classroom Communication, 

Module 3: Art of Questioning and Answering 

•             Use of ICT in classroom, 

•             Barriers of Classroom Communication

•             Strategies of Overcoming Barriers in Communication


Module 4: Teaching aids 

•             Description of selected Teaching Aids, 

•             Effectiveness of Edgar Dale's Cone of Classification

Module 5:  Mass instructional techniques 

•             Personalized Instructional Techniques, 

•             Programmed Instruction, 

•             Simulation Teaching

Module 6: Teaching machines 

•             Team Teaching, Micro Teaching, 

•             Computers and its Role in  Educational Instruction: 

•             Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) 

Module 7: Methods of Teaching 

•             Teachers of yesterday and today, 

•             Principles of Teaching, 

•             Phases of Teaching: Pre-Active and Post-Active, 

•             Levels of Teaching: Memory, Understanding and Reflective.

Module 8: Models of teaching: 

•             Concept, 

•             Components and Families, 

•             Glaser’s Basic Teaching Model, 

•             Bruner’s Concept Attainment Model, 

•             Ausubel’s Advance Organizer Model


Training Format: 

• All materials are made available through our Online Learning Platform

• Students should commit approximately 5-6 hours of their time per week

Materials Provided: 

Online delivery of curriculum materials, exercises and templates.


In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit assignments at the end of every month.

Duration of course – 6 months


To register for course, please contact:

Online Training Coordinator

Africa Institute for Project Management Studies

